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Emotional Intelligence Coaching & Training

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Emotional Intelligence Coaching & More

Your Source For Personal Growth

Emotional, Spiritual & Physical Well-Being

Our Coaching and Training program provides Individual Coaching Sessions to help you navigate through crossroads in your career or emotional life.  As a certified Emotions Mentor Coach, we understand that even the strongest among us can feel lost, unsure, ambivalent, or unhappy at times. We’re here to help you understand and manage whatever life throws at you, and how to do it successfully. Our coaching sessions are designed to help you not just survive, but truly thrive.

Maximize Your
Emotional Intelligence
through our
personal coaching or training sessions

Break through barriers that hinder you from enjoying a successful and balanced life. Develop routines of care that support your daily emotional, physical, and spiritual


Program Choices

Emotion coaching sessions custom-designed to meet your  individualized needs 

Emotional intelligence training sessions that provide information and activities designed to enhance your emotional intelligence knowledge and skills.

Stressed Woman
Image by Samantha Borges


"After emotions coaching with Ms. Cephas, I am more confident in who I am and how I feel".

Rebekah H.

" With all that is going on the world, I did not want to get sucked in and honestly my methods of coping were not working.   But emotions coaching help me arrive to real answers in my life.  If you are reading this I recommend you start with Ms. Kimberly."

D'Angela C.

"Life coaching with Mrs. Cephas was overall a great experience. Honestly, I was a little leery about the effectiveness of counseling and life coaching. However, the sessions provided me with some tools that helped me work thru certain situations. It also helped reveal certain things about me that I did not realize. The coaching was very beneficial and is highly recommended". 

Donte C.

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